

Ricola's newest product "Herbal Immunity" needed a way to separate its self from the already crowded immune boosting supplement category. While most vitamin supplement products are taken only when you feel a cold coming on, Herbal Immunity is a daily booster. Maintaining a strong immune system instead of reacting to a weak one allows you to live your life to the fullest. What better place than Ricola's own back yard, the Swiss Alps to highlight the differentiating ingredient, its Swiss herbs and showing what a strong well lived life looks like. 




Client: Ricola
Art Director

Ricola's newest product "Herbal Immunity" needed a way to separate itself from the already crowded immune boosting supplement category. While most vitamin supplement products are taken only when you feel a cold coming on, Herbal Immunity is a daily booster. Maintaining a strong immune system instead of reacting to a weak one allows you to live your life to the fullest. What better place than Ricola's own back yard, the Swiss Alps to highlight the differentiating ingredient, its Swiss herbs and showing what a strong well lived life looks like.